Harmonic Convergance

Well, a bunch of things are kind of coalescing in my head, and I felt like you should know.

  • There is a front pager in The Grey Lady today noting that we a poor US citizen at birth has less hope of upward mobility then in most other "free" countries.
  • After many years of close observation, I can safely say that the entire US healthcare system is broken.  As a nation, we spend way more then any other country on healthcare with the poorest of outcomes. Billions are spent keeping people alive on ventilators with no hope of recovery.  This has been going on for many years.  Result: We have run out of money.
  • Billions more are spent maintaining the largest incarcerated population In The World.  Most of those imprisoned are for drug offenses.  The War on Drugs has also contributed to our bankruptcy.
  • It is January 5th and it still seems like winter cant get itself started.  The climate has been broken.
  • Rick Santorum came in 8 votes behind Willard Rommney. Rick Santorum?
  • I also noted that my mind seems to work in daily cycles like my digestive system (OK, this is actually doesn't relate to my point, but it was a cool insight.)
What is my point?  This country lost years ago, and the people aren't even aware.  The place is done. None of the problems above were addressed when there was time to fix them.  They are not being addressed now. They will not fix themselves on their own.  Their fixing now at this point would require such radical means that it is nothing to look forward to.
Just sayin'.


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