Big Picture People

Has anyone else noted that the commenteriat is stuck on stupid?  What do I mean and why I am I always so darn judgmental??
Well, the judgmental part we'll save for another day.  Suffice it to say, in my twenties this was something I was often accused of by girlfriends or anyone who was very close to me.  "Who do you think you are, Moses??" kind of sums up the perception others had of me.
As for the stuck on stupid, let me elaborate. I just saw something that Lawmaker claim Dollar Unconstitutional.
OK, Whatever. Then it struck me: this is all we get from our leaders.  Nonsense.  Blather. Pointless exercises in futility. (You get the picture) Does anyone else see that this went on too long.  Does anyone else believe that our "leaders" don't even desire to fix the problems facing us?  Finally, does anyone else get it that it is way past time?  Our climate is permanently damaged.  If we started tomorrow, it would still take years.  NewsFlash: We are not starting tomorrow.  Nor the day after. Nor this year nor in the next year.
The die is cast.  The wheel has been spun.  Why do we even pay attention anymore to the antics of the political class and their minions in the media?  The end is already here. They will never announce it.  It will just sweep over us while they continue to posture and pontificate and distract us.


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