Up Periscope (and why do you think they call him Steve Jobs??)

Just some Friday thoughts:
The front page of the NYT today has a color photo of Newt and Mitt facing off.  Is this the best we can do?  With all the grave issues confronting humanity, what relevance whatsoever does this endless back and forth have.  Should we care about two relatively mediocre human beings and their struggle to channel the ignorance and hate of a nation?? Not to be judgmental or anything, but it seems clear to me at least that you can't be too bright (or conscious) to believe that either Mr. Mitt or Mr. Newt have anything whatsoever to offer, not will they ever have.  I mean, did they fool you?  

Mr. Krugman references Steve Jobs' and his lack of jobs, which I had been thinking about this morning as well.  Apparently Mr. Obama asked him what could be done to bring all those Apple jobs back to the US.  Mr. Steve (smugly) replied; "Those jobs aren't coming back." Now, isn't that special? Steve Jobs was a remarkable and very astute individual (go look up his comments about Bill Gates).  He also had a "spiritual" side, and I have the feeling he dabbled in Buddhism (or at least the Zen Buddhist aesthetic)  Nonetheless, when it came to business, he was like all the rest.  The success of his company was more important then the success of his country.   These capitalists could care less about their fellow citizen.  It's always about whats good for them. Is it easier to manufacture in China?  You betcha. Why?  Well the official line is that all the pieces of the puzzle are so close to each other.  Its just easy to manufacture when the screw factory is right next to the screwdriver factory, you see. Sure.  You know  why those factories are all in the same place?  Well, there just happens to be a desperate and impoverished work force who need to work to feed themselves and their families. Lets substitute "work force" with "vast army of struggling humanity".  These people are working in conditions that have long been outlawed in this country. So what does Apple do to address the obvious disconnect between our more enlightened values and the reality of what it takes to make a buck?  Why, they talk about it.  They launch investigations. And then they wait for the whole thing to blow over.  That, my friends, is how the big boys do it.


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