War on Drugs
Anyone who has had the misfortune to spend extended periods of time with me, will already be familiar with my abhorrence of the "War on Drugs". I mean, where to start? What does it matter to anyone who gets high? Why o Why is it OK to drink yourself to death, but not smoke a joint, pop a pill, eat a mushroom, or inject narcotics into your veins? How is one better then the other? I think we can not calculate the number of lives DESTROYED by the war on drugs vs. the drugs themselves.
After he took office, Barry Obama (who by the way shares a birthday with me) held some kind of on-line forum at the WH where he took questions from the internets. The first question had to do with legalizing marijuana. He made a sarcastic comment about stoners or something, and did not address the issue in any meaningful way. The white house website now has a petition page, where citizens (yes, we still exist) are able to create petitions. If there are 5000 signatures, there will be a response from the WH. Not surprisingly, the most popular petition calls for the legalization of marijuana. It already has 15000 signatures. I signed it anyway today. You should too at this page . You have to register which is a slight pain, but whatever. I mean, fer crissake.
After he took office, Barry Obama (who by the way shares a birthday with me) held some kind of on-line forum at the WH where he took questions from the internets. The first question had to do with legalizing marijuana. He made a sarcastic comment about stoners or something, and did not address the issue in any meaningful way. The white house website now has a petition page, where citizens (yes, we still exist) are able to create petitions. If there are 5000 signatures, there will be a response from the WH. Not surprisingly, the most popular petition calls for the legalization of marijuana. It already has 15000 signatures. I signed it anyway today. You should too at this page . You have to register which is a slight pain, but whatever. I mean, fer crissake.
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